Whatever it takes!
by: Jamie Saunders
Is COVID-19 a natural disaster? If not, it sure feels like a tornado or
earthquake hit all 50 states and the world at the same time. But like a good neighbor[MC1] ,
Information & Referrals Community Resource Specialists are here to help.
Just like every Avenger film I’ve seen there is an army of dedicated[MC2] [S3] essential workers behind the scenes
with a team ready to make sure Captain America saves the day.
I am new to Marvel movies, but my 10 year old daughter makes
sure I get caught up before going to see one. It’s my understanding that
Avenger: Endgame was the highest grossing Marvel film of all time. I know you’re like where is this MAC –AIRS
blog going? If the coronavirus was a film, it would definitely be Endgame. I & R’s across the country fearlessly
stood behind the directives of the CDC, Health Departments, state and local
task forces. Nobody has asked for our autograph, the media hasn’t given front
line I & R staff recognition nor [MC4] five
seconds [MC5] of
Some of us had the option of working from home and others
were going into the office every day because they were essential employees. I
don’t know about you but the stress associated with this pandemic made our jobs
that much more challenging. Information was fluid, changing from one staff
meeting to the next one. It’s normal to have 3 or 4 team meetings in one day. Unlike
a natural disaster, we could only use half of the policies and procedures already
in place. In the midst of a pandemic we have created new policies, new
procedures, tweaked the old ones and kept it moving.
I don’t know about you but right now I am on information
overload. We all need a high five…retract that “No
touching[MC6] [S7] [S8] ”! We all need a pat on the back…scratch
that one too. We all need a sign outside our window or cubical that says, “An
Information & Referral community Specialist Hero’s work here or lives here.
I long for the day when my 10 year old tells my now 7th month old
granddaughter how her grandma went to work every day during the pandemic THAT
hit the entire world. COVID-19 isn’t over by any means, but today I want to give
honor to those of us behind the scenes. We held it together under tremendous
pressure to help those who were afraid.
Endgame brought 11 years of storytelling to a close. My favorite quote from the
film takes place in this scene.
When their time travel device was perfected and their target timelines to
retrieve the Infinity Stones confirmed, Cap decides to give his teammates one
last motivational talk before carrying out their mission. Steve Rogers reminds
the Avengers of why they are risking their lives on the singular chance that
they can to bring their loved ones and the loved ones of the strangers they
have sworn to protect back into existence, holding them to the promise that
they will go to any means necessary to succeed.
AIRS Community Resource Specialist we do, “Whatever it takes” – Steve Rogers