Tuesday, October 11, 2016

                    CHOOSING AN AGENT
You have decided it is time to complete a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care form.  You want to be prepared in case something happens to you, and you are unable to speak for yourself. You want your wishes to be known and followed. How do you decide who should be your agent, the person who becomes your substitute voice?
Your agent should be someone you trust, and is close enough to you to know what your values are in relation to quality of life. He/she needs to be a person who will take the time to listen to you and learn how you feel about such end of life issues as use of IV’s and feeding tubes, and other life-sustaining treatments.
When you decide to select someone to speak for you in a medical crisis, there are some things to think about. This tool will help you choose the best person. It is best to have a primary agent and at least one alternate.
Consider three people using the chart below. Which person(s) is (are) best to be your Healthcare Agent(s)?

What to do AFTER you pick a healthcare agent?
· Talk to your agent about what they do for you.
· Ask if they are willing to be your agent.
· Talk about your healthcare wishes, values, and fears.
· Write down your “agent” and “fears.”
· Make sure your agent gets the first copy of your wishes and gets a copy of any attachments.
· Tell family members and friends who you select
Who CAN’T be an Agent
· State rules for who may be an agent vary, but the most common persons who cannot be an agent are these:
· Under age 18
· Your healthcare provider

Article Provided by Brenda Louthan at Butler County Department on Aging.